B&B and Guest Lodging in Monona
Look for more information coming soon on Monona's 3 BRAND NEW B&B or OVERNIGHT GUEST LODGING locations:

Monona is located in the geological area known as the "Driftless Area", sitting atop the Paleozoic Plateau. The most distinct of the land-form regions is the Paleozoic Plateau which is located in the northeast tip of Iowa. This region is the only one of its kind "in the world"! It's recognizable to visitors because of the rock outcroppings and ledges, very little glacial deposits, deep narrow valleys, cool-water streams, and heavily wooded uplands. The rock formations in this region contain layers as young as 300 million years and as old as 550 million yrs. This all accounts for the spectacular scenery and abounding recreational and sporting opportunities you'll find in and around the Monona, Clayton County, Iowa area.

Clayton County is a four-season recreational paradise. Surrounded by abundant natural resources -- such as Spook Cave, Pikes Peak State Park, Effigy Mounds National Monument, and Yellow River State Forest, all nearby just a short drive away -- Monona is recognized as Iowa's first "Garden City of Iowa" since 1931 and "Gateway to the Yellow River Forest".
Along with its wooded hills and prairies and farm fields, the City of Monona sits on one of highest locations in Clayton County at over 1,200 feet in elevation, atop four main watersheds for Turkey River, Bloody Run, and Yellow River, which all lead to the mighty Mississippi River, just 12 short miles east of Monona on U. S. Highway 18.
Iowa's Driftless Area is unique to any other place in the world, and our Monona-area community covers the pristine areas of Yellow River and Mississippi River and connected state, county, and federal parks and trails to offer you year-round recreational and sporting activities that incude: camping, canoeing, kayaking, boating, fly fishing (in our world-class cold-water trout streams), ice fishing, ice skating, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, hiking, biking, motorcycling, bird-watching, cave exploring, and so much more.
Along with its wooded hills and prairies and farm fields, the City of Monona sits on one of highest locations in Clayton County at over 1,200 feet in elevation, atop four main watersheds for Turkey River, Bloody Run, and Yellow River, which all lead to the mighty Mississippi River, just 12 short miles east of Monona on U. S. Highway 18.
Iowa's Driftless Area is unique to any other place in the world, and our Monona-area community covers the pristine areas of Yellow River and Mississippi River and connected state, county, and federal parks and trails to offer you year-round recreational and sporting activities that incude: camping, canoeing, kayaking, boating, fly fishing (in our world-class cold-water trout streams), ice fishing, ice skating, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, hiking, biking, motorcycling, bird-watching, cave exploring, and so much more.